Our Projects
Take a look at NDT’s services, projects and groups. Based at the Bank, our activities reach out across the village and East Renfrewshire, and in some instances into neighbouring Local Authorities (cyclists travel!).
Designed to reflect and respond to what people want and need, NDT’s services, projects, groups and activities are at the heart of what we do: our People priority. It is the job of NDT’s board to ensure that what we offer makes a difference locally, but also takes account of national and global issues, for instance, climate change and how it will affect us, even here, in Neilston.
To find out more or to get involved, please contact us at 0141 561 1210 or email admin@neilstontrust.co.uk.
Get Local
GET Local encourages you to Grow, Eat and Travel in a manner that allows you to make your own, personal, positive contribution.
NDT Cycling
We are delivering a range of services, activities and events, free of charge, to help support and encourage this behaviour change.
NDT Groups
NDT has a variety of community groups open to everyone to come along, join in and learn a new skill.
Neilston Windfarm Legacy
Community development within the ‘G78 3’ postcode area by giving financial support to a range of initiatives.
Sign up to Become a Member!
To find out more or become a member click the button below or email membership@neilstontrust.co.uk today!